Spydus Search Results - Subject: Uttar Pradesh (India) -- Social life and customs (Keywords) https://buckinghamshire.spydus.co.uk/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/ENQ/WPAC/ALLENQ?QRY=GENSU%3A%20(UTTAR%20%2B%20PRADESH%20%2B%20INDIA%20%2B%20SOCIAL%20%2B%20LIFE%20%2B%20AND%20%2B%20CUSTOMS)&QRYTEXT=Subject%3A%20Uttar%20Pradesh%20(India)%20--%20Social%20life%20and%20customs%20(Keywords)&SETLVL=SET&SORTS=MAIN.CREATED_DATE.DESC%5DMAIN.CREATED_TIME.DESC&NRECS=20 Spydus Search Results en © 2022 Civica Pty Limited. All rights reserved. Kaleidoscope City : a year in Varanasi / Piers Moore Ede. https://buckinghamshire.spydus.co.uk/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/ENQ/WPAC/BIBENQ?SETLVL=&BRN=3915758 Piers Moore Ede first fell in love with Varanasi when he passed through it on his way to Nepal in search of wild honey hunters. In the decade that followed it continued to exert its pull on him, and so he returned to live there, to press his ear to its heartbeat and to discover what it is that makes the spiritual capital of India so unique. In this intoxicating 'city of 10,000 widows', where funeral pyres smoulder beside the river in which thousands of pilgrims bathe, and holiness and corruption walk side by side, Piers encounters sweet-makers and sadhus, mischievous boatmen and weary bureaucrats, silk weavers and musicians and discovers a remarkable interplay between death and life, light and dark. Piers Moore Ede first fell in love with Varanasi when he passed through it on his way to Nepal in search of wild honey hunters. In the decade that followed it continued to exert its pull on him, and so he returned to live there, to press his ear to its heartbeat and to discover what it is that makes the spiritual capital of India so unique. In this intoxicating 'city of 10,000 widows', where funeral pyres smoulder beside the river in which thousands of pilgrims bathe, and holiness and corruption walk side by side, Piers encounters sweet-makers and sadhus, mischievous boatmen and weary bureaucrats, silk weavers and musicians and discovers a remarkable interplay between death and life, light and dark.<br /><span style="font-weight:bold;">Author: </span>Ede, Piers Moore<br /><span style="font-weight:bold;">Published: </span>London : Bloomsbury, 2016.<br />209 pages ; 20 cm<br /><br />Stokenchurch Community Library - (Buckinghamshire libraries) - Adult non fiction - 915.42 EDE - Available - 153233110<br />