Spydus Search Results - BRN: 4174559 https://buckinghamshire.spydus.co.uk/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/ENQ/WPAC/BIBENQ?QRY=BRN%3A%204174559&QRYTEXT=BRN%3A%204174559&SETLVL=SET&CF=BIB&SORTS=DTE.DATE1.DESC&NRECS=20 Spydus Search Results en © 2022 Civica Pty Limited. All rights reserved. On the edge / Rafael Chirbes ; translated from the Spanish by Margaret Jull Costa ; with an afterword by Valerie Miles. https://buckinghamshire.spydus.co.uk/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/ENQ/WPAC/BIBENQ?SETLVL=&BRN=4174559&CF=BIB 'On the Edge' opens with the discovery of a rotting corpse in the marshes on the outskirts of Olba, Spain - a town wracked by despair after the burst of the economic bubble, and a microcosm of a world of defeat, debt, and corruption. Stuck in this town is Esteban - his small factory bankrupt, his investments stolen by a 'friend,' and his unloved father, a mute invalid, entirely his personal burden. Much of the novel unfolds in Esteban's raw and tormented monologues. But other voices resound from the wreckage and their words, sharp as knives, crowd their terse, hypnotic monologues of ruin, prostitution, and loss. 'On the Edge' opens with the discovery of a rotting corpse in the marshes on the outskirts of Olba, Spain - a town wracked by despair after the burst of the economic bubble, and a microcosm of a world of defeat, debt, and corruption. Stuck in this town is Esteban - his small factory bankrupt, his investments stolen by a 'friend,' and his unloved father, a mute invalid, entirely his personal burden. Much of the novel unfolds in Esteban's raw and tormented monologues. But other voices resound from the wreckage and their words, sharp as knives, crowd their terse, hypnotic monologues of ruin, prostitution, and loss.<br /><span style="font-weight:bold;">Author: </span>Chirbes, Rafael, 1949-2015<br /><span style="font-weight:bold;">Published: </span>London : Vintage, 2017.<br />421 pages ; 20 cm<br /><br />Bourne End Community Library - (Buckinghamshire libraries) - Adult fiction: paperback - Available - 153836507<br />Winslow Community Library - (Buckinghamshire libraries) - Adult fiction: paperback - Available - 153838737<br />