Spydus Search Results - BRN: 4309026 https://buckinghamshire.spydus.co.uk/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/ENQ/WPAC/BIBENQ?QRY=BRN%3A%204309026&QRYTEXT=BRN%3A%204309026&SETLVL=SET&CF=BIB&SORTS=DTE.DATE1.DESC&NRECS=20 Spydus Search Results en © 2022 Civica Pty Limited. All rights reserved. Tangerine / Christine Mangan. https://buckinghamshire.spydus.co.uk/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/ENQ/WPAC/BIBENQ?SETLVL=&BRN=4309026&CF=BIB The last person Alice Shipley expected to see since arriving in Tangier with her new husband was Lucy Mason. After the horrific accident at Bennington, the two friends - once inseparable roommates - haven't spoken in over a year. But Lucy is standing there, trying to make things right. Perhaps Alice should be happy. She has not adjusted to life in Morocco, too afraid to venture out into the bustling medinas and oppressive heat. Lucy, always fearless and independent, helps Alice emerge from her flat and explore the country. But soon a familiar feeling starts to overtake Alice - she feels controlled and stifled by Lucy at every turn. Then Alice's husband, John, goes missing, and Alice starts to question everything around her: her relationship with her enigmatic friend, her decision to ever come to Tangier, and her very own state of mind. The last person Alice Shipley expected to see since arriving in Tangier with her new husband was Lucy Mason. After the horrific accident at Bennington, the two friends - once inseparable roommates - haven't spoken in over a year. But Lucy is standing there, trying to make things right. Perhaps Alice should be happy. She has not adjusted to life in Morocco, too afraid to venture out into the bustling medinas and oppressive heat. Lucy, always fearless and independent, helps Alice emerge from her flat and explore the country. But soon a familiar feeling starts to overtake Alice - she feels controlled and stifled by Lucy at every turn. Then Alice's husband, John, goes missing, and Alice starts to question everything around her: her relationship with her enigmatic friend, her decision to ever come to Tangier, and her very own state of mind.<br /><span style="font-weight:bold;">Author: </span>Mangan, Christine<br /><span style="font-weight:bold;">Published: </span>London : Little, Brown, 2018.<br />388 pages ; 24 cm<br /><br />Farnham Common Community Library - (Buckinghamshire libraries) - Donation: adult fiction - This item cannot be reserved (Set: 11 May 2018) - 95100000129332<br />Wing Community Library - (Buckinghamshire libraries) - Adult fiction: hardback - Available - 154184910<br />