Spydus Search Results - BRN: 4325280 https://buckinghamshire.spydus.co.uk/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/ENQ/WPAC/BIBENQ?QRY=BRN%3A%204325280&QRYTEXT=BRN%3A%204325280&SETLVL=SET&CF=BIB&SORTS=DTE.DATE1.DESC&NRECS=20 Spydus Search Results en © 2022 Civica Pty Limited. All rights reserved. A state of freedom / Neel Mukherjee. https://buckinghamshire.spydus.co.uk/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/ENQ/WPAC/BIBENQ?SETLVL=&BRN=4325280&CF=BIB What happens when we attempt to exchange the life we are given for something better? Can we transform the possibilities we are born into? 'A State of Freedom' prises open the central, defining events of our century - displacement and migration - but not as you imagine them. Five characters, in very different circumstances, from a domestic cook in Mumbai, to a vagrant and his dancing bear, and a girl who escapes terror in her home village for a new life in the city, find out the meanings of dislocation, and the desire for more. Set in contemporary India and moving between the reality of this world and the shadow of another, this novel of multiple narratives - formally daring, fierce but full of pity - delivers a devastating and haunting exploration of the unquenchable human urge to strive for a different life. What happens when we attempt to exchange the life we are given for something better? Can we transform the possibilities we are born into? 'A State of Freedom' prises open the central, defining events of our century - displacement and migration - but not as you imagine them. Five characters, in very different circumstances, from a domestic cook in Mumbai, to a vagrant and his dancing bear, and a girl who escapes terror in her home village for a new life in the city, find out the meanings of dislocation, and the desire for more. Set in contemporary India and moving between the reality of this world and the shadow of another, this novel of multiple narratives - formally daring, fierce but full of pity - delivers a devastating and haunting exploration of the unquenchable human urge to strive for a different life.<br /><span style="font-weight:bold;">Author: </span>Mukherjee, Neel<br /><span style="font-weight:bold;">Published: </span>London : Vintage Books, 2018.<br />304 pages ; 24 cm<br /><br />Chalfont St Peter Community Library - (Buckinghamshire libraries) - Adult fiction: paperback - Available - 067417586<br />Iver Heath Community Library - (Buckinghamshire libraries) - Adult fiction: paperback - Available - 95100000181588<br />